Communicating on technology can be easy and fun sometimes. However it can be very difficult sometimes. Although they bare some minor similarities the differences between communicating in person and in technology are clear.
Here are some similarities between communicating in person and through technology.In both ways you can bully someone. Like cyberbullying is bullying online and you can bully someone in person too. Both ways you can learn something.Like my friend helped me with homework through text and she also helped me at school. And that’s how they are alike.
Here are some differences between communicating in person and communicating through technology. Getting your feelings across are hard sometimes. Like one day I was trying to tell my friend something and she took the wrong way, the next day I saw her told her what I meant and we both laughed and hung out for the rest of the day, but if i would told her in person she would of got it sooner. Spelling is a big difference because when you’re talking in person you don’t have to worry about spelling but in technology you have to spell things right for them to understand.
That is some similarities and differences I wanted to share and next time you need to tell someone something important just call or go to them and tell them.