American Revolution Children

not all of the children went to school during the war. More children attended school in the northern colonies. Many of the children played roles in the Revolution. Soldiers would often bring their children and wives with them on campaigns. people were always working even the children. Most of their clothing was sewn and made at home. women wore a long dress covered with an apron they also wore cloth bonnets with a ruffled brim young girls wore the same style as women boys wore the same style as the men. Most colonial families grew vegetables and hunted for their own food. In the city, they would often get food from relatives that had farms or trade for food. To get where you were going like school most walked. If you were going on a longer trips you would either ride by horse or by boat. kids life were hard during the revolution.

American Flag

I think Betsy Ross made the flag because George Washington asked Betsy Ross to make our flag. After all the stories I’ve read that Betsy Ross made our flag. Betsy Ross did not draw the flag design. That’s why I think Betsy Ross made our flag

Patriot Hour Glass Poem

George Washington asked Betsy Ross to make our flag.

        Betsy Ross was very good at sewing

Made a thirteen star flag

Sewed holes back

Betsy Ross

she made flags

Betsy Ross made our flag

Betsy Ross’es real name is Elizabeth Claypole

Betsy Ross made our flag during the Revolution war


Pearl Harbor

Pearl harbor is the name of the attack.                                                        Each battle ship had a name, Arizona, Nevada, Allen, and Chew         Attack happened at 7:55 a.m.                                                                          Roosevelt  said “December 7 1941 a date which will live in infamy”in reference to the attack.                                                             Led by Vice Admiral Chichi Nagumo they were the Japaneses .                                                                                                                                     He called it “Day of Infamy”                                                                        A real hero is Edwin Hill, Mervin Bennion, and John Finn                      Response to the attack with amediate  it is what pushed the US into world war 2                                                                                             Battle of world war 2 is what it led to                                                        On Sunday , December 7, 1941                                                                  Really the memorial is called USS Arizona




Colonial Life

potteryBack then I would want to be a potter because you get to shape the clay any way you want and it looks easy. in pottery you can make bowls, mugs, and jugs which all seem fun to make. While making stuff with clay you put it on a pottery wheel to make the pottery wheel spin you must use the foot pedal. If you add sand you will make the clay stronger


jamestown pic  GoogleImages/Jamestown    I would rather live in Jamestown than Plymouth because Jamestown had a big gate around the village.Jamestown grew tabacco in 1612.around 1607 settlers arrived in Jamestown. Jamestown colonists named their settlement for England’s King James 1.

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